NEWSLETTER - February 2023
Interconnecting SSE in Europe

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A special issue on Digital Tools for SSE
A special issue on Digital Tools for SSE
Editorial by Josette Combes, Ripess Europe - In January we make good resolutions. So we started the year with our ritual strategic meeting, a succinct and yet detailed report you will…
Envisioning our strategy for the coming years
Ripess Europe 2023 strategy meeting in Paris (France)
Article by Juliette Bertrand, Ripess Europe - The Coordination committee of Ripess Europe (15 members from all over Europe) met from January 19 to 21, 2023 in Paris and more precisely at the headquarters of UFISC (House…
Special Issue
Meet our partners: Simon Louvet for Transiscope
Digital solidarity economy: an ecosystem of free software platforms
Article by Jason Nardi, RIPESS Europe - In the age of internet, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and information and communication technologies it is practically impossible not to make use of the…
Solecopedia: we understand solidarity economy collectively
Article by Françoise Wautiez and Jason Nardi, Ripess Europe - Solecopedia, the SSE wiki, is a tool for collective intelligence. It is intended for RIPESS members who can contribute and for…
Education and knowledge sharing
Article by Andrea Rodríguez Valdés, RIPESS Europe - Education and training, exchange of practices and experiences, collective knowledge base… this is the Moodle of RIPESS Europe, a platform that is dedicated…
SmartketPlace: after a successful first step in Geneva, ready to open for Europe
Article by Jean Rossiaud, APRES-GE - The saga of SmartketPlace continues, after its creation (cf. article SmarketPlace: beyond Amazon and the GAFAM!) and its launch (article SmarketPlace: everywhere in Europe?), APRES-Ge,…
Free software to display resources on SSE
Article by Vincent Calame, Exemole - Exemole ensures the deployment and maintenance of SSE resource website based on three free software: the BDF document resource management software, this software was…
Dunia, RIPESS digital partner
Article by François Soulard, Dunia - Dunia is ten years old. A digital communication platform, it was forged at the time of the Rio+20 Earth Summit (2012) from a founding intuition:…
Read more... : 10 ways to display RIPESS activities
Article by Françoise Wautiez, - As you probably already know, is an online library on the social and solidarity economy. It has the particularity to be in 5 main…
Transiscothons, a step towards our community
Article by Bruno Lasnier, MES/Transiscope - Transiscope (the Web Portal of Alternatives) is a collective and collaborative project conceived as a digital common that relies on individuals, collectives and associations…
News from the network
Cooperative housing advances with the assembly of the REAS Housing Group in Zaragoza
By REAS - The Working Group of Cooperative Housing (Vivienda cooperativa en cesión de uso) of REAS Network of Networks, has celebrated this Saturday, February 4,…
Cooperative projects
Final event of COOPTERR, European project on territorial cooperation
By UFISC, la Maison des réseaux – Thursday, February 9, 2023 Presentation of the COOPTERR project Cultural Rights & Territorial Cooperation Practices through Culture and Solidarity Economy…
Let's talk about SSE
Meet the winners of 10th edition of the European Social Innovation Competition!
Article by European Union Council - The European Social Innovation Competition (EUSIC) winners have been awarded today by the Commission and the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). The…
Save The Date !
Future opportunities and challenges for the SSE following the 2022 ILO Discussion and Action Plan
Register for online event : 23 Feb 2023
Registration open #DAKARGSEF2023
Communities for Future events
OECD Global Action for Promoting Social and Solidarity Ecosystems
Register for online / in-person event: 20 - 21 March 2023
Fòrum Transició Ecosocial, 24 to 25 February 2023 (Barcelona, Spain)
Read more about the forum
Congreso Economia Feminista
March 16, 17 and 18, 2023
What's happening on this month?
In this issue dedicated to digital tools, we would like to introduce you to some of them, among many others, very useful and with which we will most likely work:…
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RIPESS EUROPE - Solidarity Economy Europe asbl 
1, Rue de Moulin - Esch / Alzette, L-4251 Luxembourg 
Copyleft 2023 - RIPESS EU