NEWSLETTER - May 2021 Inter-connect SSE in Europe |
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights, still a long way to go |
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights, still a long way to go |
By Josette Combes - The exactions committed in a so-called legal framework against people, communities, common goods and nature, encourage us to re-read the admirable Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We… |
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10th anniversary campaign | |
Interview of Mihaela Vetan (Click on the picture below to watch the full interview) |
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Interview of Dražen Simleša (Click on the picture below to watch the full interview) |
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Meeting Martin Georges, ESS'plicite: member of Ripess Eu |
In 2021, Ripess Europe celebrates its 10th anniversary! As part of this celebration, and in order to honour the network and its members in particular, Ripess Europe will be conducting… |
Meeting Bruno Lasnier, MES France: member of Ripess Europe |
In 2021, Ripess Europe celebrates its 10th anniversary! As part of this celebration, and in order to honour the network and its members in particular, Ripess Europe will be conducting… |
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Solidarity with the Colombian people |
Article by Bérénice Dondeyne, MES Occitanie -The MES Occitanie, which hosted a Colombian delegation in 2018, supports the position of the Colombians of Occitanie, who demonstrated on 8 May 2021… |
Social Economy: policy recommandations for the EU Action Plan |
The European Commission launched in March/April 2021 a consultation for the EU Action Plan for the Social Economy. RIPESS Europe has formulated a number of policy recommendations which you can… |
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SSE in Europe: for a better future, let’s multiply training actions |
Since 2016, RIPESS Europe and its partners have conducted a project initiated and coordinated by APDES (Pt). Most of the documents produced during the first project (2016 – 2018) and… |
First training by Coopter Erasmus+ project |
Article by Délie Ronsin-Quéchon, Ufisc, France - During two days in April, the European Erasmus+ project ‘COOPTERR’ – Education in Territorial Cooperation Practices through Culture and SSE, hosted its first training… |
Non-Formal Education: A first step towards social and economic transformation |
Article by Sofia Pereira, APDES, Portugal - On 3rd May RedPES and RIPESS EU, with the support of APDES, promoted the fourth RedPES/RIPESS EU webinar aimed to share good practices on… |
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Webinar report : “How to Keep Food Community Members Involved?”, 22 April 2021 |
Article from Urgenci - As a food community organizer, you wonder why the members of your Food co-op or CSA have been turning into couch potatoes during the last few months?… |
Webinar report : CSA for CSB, 15th of April, 2021 |
Article from Urgenci - “Community” - Both Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Community Seed Banks (CSB) start with this word. This is no mere chance: they are both community-based solutions, relying on… |
Platform of feminist associations in Geneva |
Article by Après-GE, Geneva - Do you know OrfeGE? This platform lists all the feminist associations in Geneva, as well as the events proposed by these structures. All the information at… |
MES France: Agora of the republic of SSE |
Article of the Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire (MES France) - The Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire is organising on 10 June 2021 at the Maison des Associations, 2 rue des Corroyeurs in… |
Launching the Solidarity Economy Organisers Network |
Article by The Solidarity Economy Association, UK - We are pleased to announce the launch of a new project, the Solidarity Economy Organisers Network, where we will be strengthening our relationships… |
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OECD Global Action on Promoting SSE Ecosystems |
Article of Social Economy News - The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), with financial support from the European Union, has launched a Global Action to promote the social and… |
If you do Social and Solidarity Economy ... Campaign ¡muÉSStrate! |
Article from El Salto Diario, 1 May 2021, by Guillem Subiracha - As feminisms have taught us, what is not seen does not seem to exist. For this reason, this year… |
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Join the European Social Economy Summit | |
Resources in collaboration with |
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Wind energy: A gender perspective IRENA report |
Author : The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), 2020 - To download : PDF (6.7 MiB) - Summary : Wind energy, like other parts of the global energy industry, remains largely male-dominated. Yet opportunities… |
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RIPESS EUROPE - Solidarity Economy Europe asbl 1, Rue de Moulin - Esch / Alzette, L-4251 Luxembourg Copyleft 2021 - RIPESS EU |
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