NEWSLETTER - July 2020
Inter-connect SSE in Europe

A wind of solidarity crosses the 5 continents...
The virtual WSFTE 2020 ends, but the process of confluences continues! Towards Oct 2020...
The time has come to close this virtual WSFTE, which, from June 25 to July 1 2020, has shown us  to what extent and powerful our meetings are for the continuity of transformative…
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RIPESS Europe participation to the WSFTE
The Virtual WSFTE 2020 is over and it was a success, notwithstanding the adverse conditions and short timing there was to change the format from a face-to-face meeting in Barcelona to an week-long series of online activities, proposed and self-managed by participant organisations for the most part (from 100 countries worldwide), as well as with a series of convergences and inter-movements dialogues to start working on a common agenda of the Transformative Economies based on 4 dimensions of transformation and the basis of a long term pact.   The road is still uphill and the exchanges have to improve - with better language facilitation and interpretation, more preparation and systematisation of results, better online tools and meeting methodologies - but there is definitely a positive sign of progress and will to participate.
RIPESS Europe and RIPESS Intercontinental have been very engaged in the Forum process, at all levels.  Thanks to an ad hoc team set up in the last two months, it was possible to contribute substantially to make the meeting more international and open, to communicate in several languages and to promote more convergence spaces, as well as the linkage to other events and processes, such as the Dialogues en Humanité, the Viral Open Space, Fearless Cities, Global Dialogue on Systemic Alternatives, Edge Funders alliance... 
As for the themes addressed and developed during the forum by RIPESS members, here are some of them: In addition to the territorial confluences, Occitania, France, Central and Eastern European countries (Busse project) and Europe as a whole, we could see food sovereignty, collaboration between territories (urban and rural for example), approaches and tools for SSE education, eco-feminism, cultural and human rights, social impact measures, fair trade, migrations and economic citizenship, youth and culture, solidarity economy at the time of COVID and finally SSE and degrowth; the presentation of the book "From Social Business to the Solidarity Economy" by Jean-Louis Laville. But also the more technological themes; Open Source tools and the Transformative Economies Lab, a tool for mapping organizations.
Members' participation
International Manifesto for Solidarity Economy

This manifesto has been introduced by Jean-Louis Laville during a conference hold in collaboration with MES France during the virtual WSFTE. 

This international manifesto was written by scholars and researchers from different continents to interpellate public authorities and civil society.

"We, scholars and researchers from various continents (Africa, America, Asia, Europe) who have been working for a long time with practionners involved in solidarity economy, want to interpellate public authorities in regard to their support to this emerging economy.

Solidarity economy assumes social, ecological, cultural finalities, against the growth of inequalities and for justice, against climate change and for a fair sharing of resources, against uniformisation of behaviours and for the expression of diversities. We need this economy for tomorrow, at that very moment where the depletion of the dominating system is obvious."

Read the full Manifesto
RIPESS Intercontinental is looking for their new Communication manager!
Job offer – New communication manager for
RIPESS is a global network of continental networks committed to the promotion of Social SolidarityEconomy since 1997. The member networks themselves bring together national and sectorial networks, thus ensuring strong…
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FESC 2020, Barcelona - 23 to 25 Oct
GSEF 2020 : Goes Virtual ! - Oct 2020
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RIPESS EUROPE - Solidarity Economy Europe asbl 
1, Rue de Moulin - Esch / Alzette, L-4251 Luxembourg 
Copyleft 2020 - RIPESS EU