Article by Reas, Red de Redes

In 2020 REAS Red de Redes celebrated its 25th anniversary, an important milestone that has invited us to look back and take stock of this long and rich history in order to continue strengthening the network and promoting the solidarity economy.

From Reas Red de Redes we have prepared a report with the main activities of the network and its partner networks to make visible and publicise the impact of our actions throughout the state.

25 years promoting a model of solidarity, feminism and ecology

The beginnings were linked to initiatives that already pointed to a way of thinking and doing economy based on the centrality of people over capital or profits. Initiatives that were born with a strong commitment from people and organisations that had to swim against the current – socially, politically and economically. Today we are what we are because they were. (Carlos Askunce)

Throughout the year, different materials and communication campaigns have been developed to celebrate this date, such as the event with the founders “Seeds for a network“, the video “REAS in a word“, the publication of two ESSManía Magazines: “Facing the Crisis, Solidarity Pandemic” and “Solidarity Feedback”, a special Bulletin, the Solidarity Economy Trivia and various communication campaigns in networks: #REAS25Years, #FelicidadESS, #PorUnaEconomíaSinVirus – #RetroalimentaciónSolidaria.

Solidarity Economy facing COVID-19

REAS Red de Redes has worked to make visible the experiences of denunciation, resistance and construction of alternatives that have taken place before the health, economic and social crisis caused by the pandemic, such as the elaboration of a GUIDE of Solidarity Economy Initiatives in the face of COVID-19, (in Spanish) in which more than 100 initiatives are grouped together, the elaboration and dissemination of articles and positions, proposals for public policies and the Campaign “For an Economy without Virus”.









See details of REAS’ main lines of work here. (in Spanish)