Article of the Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire (MES France)

The Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire is organising on 10 June 2021 at the Maison des Associations, 2 rue des Corroyeurs in Dijon, an Agora de la République de l’ESS on the theme of Economic democracy: utopia or reality?


Registration Agora Dijon – 10/06/2021


Launched at the initiative of ESS France, the Republic of SSE aims to build a collective dynamic of SSE actors around the construction of a political project carrying a vision of the world which will be concretized by the writing of a new political declaration, in December 2021, during a gathering Congress.

To achieve this, ESS France has set up a collaborative platform that allows anyone who creates an account to participate, contribute to this project and form a community.

In addition to the collaborative platform, events are organised to support this dynamic, such as the Agoras of the Republic of SSE.

The Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire wishes to be a stakeholder of the Republic of SSE, by contributing to the common elaboration through proposals, but also by organising an Agora of the Republic of SSE on June 10, 2021 at the House of Associations of the city of Dijon, 2, rue des Corroyeurs in Dijon on the theme: Economic democracy: utopia or reality?

A group for the preparation of this day has been launched by the board of directors of the Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire, it is open to all networks interested in this theme.

If you wish to join the organising committee, please contact: