NEWSLETTER - November 2019
Inter-connecting SSE in Europe

The world is on fire... let’s join forces with peaceful counter-fires.
This November, we can only be concerned about the state of the world: Sydney threatened by the flames while bushfires burned more than 10,000 km2 in Australia. Similarly, Amazonia has been the victim of devastating fires, California is facing the same devastation while Venice is experiencing one of the highest floods in its history and this list could grow longer and longer. Despite denials from climate skeptics, there is a link between these series of disasters and climate degradation and between this degradation and the now uncontested absurdity of our energy-intensive lifestyles. According to the World Climate Risk Index (WCRI), even if developing countries are the most affected, because they are exposed to harsh climates, Europe is far from escaping the threat. For example, France is 18th, Portugal 21st, Germany 23rd and Italy 25th according to the IRC ranking. The cause of climate change is identified: greenhouse gas emissions linked to the production and frantic consumption of modern countries, and in the process the eradication of biodiversity through the concreting of agricultural land, and intensive monoculture. All this is now well known and documented. Solutions exist, those that citizens are striving to implement as they organize to fight against this deadly entropy that threatens the present and even more so the future. Waiting for governments, who will meet for the umpteenth Climate Summit (COP25) in Madrid in December, to decide to declare the climate emergency and act accordingly…

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WORK OFFER. Assistant Communication Officer
RIPESS EU – Solidarity Economy Europe is the European network of Social Economy Solidarity organisations (it is part of the intercontinental RIPESS network), and brings together more than 40 national,…
News from the Network...
A guide to SSE entrepreneurship from a gender perspective
Article by Ripess Intercontinental, November 2019 Quartiers du Monde (QDM) publishes the guide “Accompanying social and solidarity entrepreneurship with a gender perspective”. The purpose of this document is to provide…
A RIPESS pilot SE Learning Tour & Cross-training in the US
An article by Ripess International, November 8, 2019 This week, from November 8th to 11th, the RIPESS Education working group will pilot the Solidarity Economy Learning Tour & Cross-training hosted by…
Solidarity Economy shows its heart again
Article by Reas, Red de REDES, November 14, 2019 For the fifth consecutive year, Economía Solidaria once again shows its heart by publishing the annual report of the Social Audit…
EPOG+ - Economic POlicies for the Global transition Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree
Call for applications Economic POlicies for the Global transition (EPOG+) is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in economics, supported by the European Union. It offers a world-class integrated Master's…
The new government in Finland is going to promote the cooperative business model
Article of Pellervo, 29/10/2019 by SAMI KARHU Publication of the government programme 3th of June 2019 in Central Library Oodi. In the picture Pekka Haavisto, Juha Sipilä, Antti Rinne (Prime…
Independant media talk about SSE
Independent media are close to the SSE, often by their status and especially by the values they defend. But how do they approach it? Here is a selection of independent…
Bergamo, a meeting of trainers, enriched by inspiring and joyful visits
By Josette Combes The members of the Erasmus SSE IVET 2 (1) programme met in Bergamo from 14 to 18 October for a joint working week on the construction of…
Rise Up For Rojava
RIPESS Europe gathers hundred of initiatives acting through solidarity economy, allied to develop social and economic justice. As a network we bring together over 40 national, sectoral and inter-sectoral networks…

[7-8 november] 4th edition of the Ethical and Solidarity Finance Forum (Azores, Portugal)

[18-19 november] Europe Policy Dialogue 2019 - GSEF (Liverpool, United-Kingdom)

[7 november-5 december] TransEco - Transformative economies in debate (Porto, Portugal)

[4-5 december] The Future is Public International ConferenceTransformative Cities People's Choice Award 2019 Finale (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

[2-13 december] COP 25 (Madrid, Spain)

November : 2019 SSE month in France

[15 november-1 december] Festisol 2019 : Festival of Solidarities (Artisans du Monde) (France)

[22-23 november] The 19th edition of FRESS Occitanie will deal with Transformative Economies! (Toulouse, France)

[28 november] 5th edition of the prospective seminars of the SSE chair of Grenoble (Grenoble, France)

[28 november] Meeting “The social impact beyond numbers” (Villeneuve d’Ascq, France)

[29-30 november] "The economy differently" Days  (Dijon, France)

November 2019 Resources
This month, we would like to highlight the work of 2 researchers who sent their latest publications available online to : Isabelle Hillenkamp and Luciane Lucas Dos Santos. This was in addition to what was already on the base. A big thanks to them.

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RIPESS EUROPE - Solidarity Economy Europe asbl
1, Rue de Moulin - Esch / Alzette, L-4251 Luxembourg
Copyleft 2019 - RIPESS EU