
Editorial: another Europe is necessary

This newsletter is a special edition dedicated to upcoming European parliamentary elections.

In the critical times we are living, all efforts to counter the anti-democratic specter which is sweeping across Europe are crucial, as well as the citizen-led initiatives to build a better Europe, starting from our everyday practices in our communities to the global policies that affect all of us, from climate, to migration, to agriculture, human and social rights, etc.

We need and want a Social Solidarity Europe.

As a network of people committed to profoundly transform the financial and economic systems, we have values and proposals in common. In the Open letter to the candidates, we’ve spelt out the main ones that look well
beyond our community, collective and cooperative practices.

We’ve joined forces with other movements and networks for a campaign on sustainable production and consumption: the Fair Times is the result of a common venture – read the Newspaper dated 2024, where we imagine what could happen if the European parliament actually developed some of our proposals, 5 years from now.

But there’s more: some of our member networks have engaged organising events in their territories towards the European elections as well as towards the many local elections taking place in the same period. You
may read about some initiatives below.

The preparatory meeting (april 5-7) for the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies (which will take place in Barcelona in May 2020) brought together representatives of different movements from all over Europe and the world. Joining forces in these times is no longer an option - it's more necessary than ever. What we are trying to build together is an ambitious and precious space for concrete engagement and co-construction of a different financial and economic system. As RIPESS - with all our members, partners and allies - we are fully engaged to make it possible.

These are dangerous times, but also times for opportunity to really change the wind if we (re-)act positively together.

Special edition: European Elections
Vote for a Social Solidarity Europe !
Open letter to candidates standing in the European Parliamentary election The Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) brings together national and territorial networks in Europe…
RIPESS EU members on European elections
ROMANIA : CRIES will promote Sustainable Consumption and Production in the campaign for European Parliament! As part of the European campaign #Trade Fair Live Fair, CRIES and its partners will…
The Fair Times campaign: for a fair and sustainable Europe
The Fair Times campaign is a pan-European campaign coordinated by five civil society network organisations calling for a fair and sustainable European consumption and production agenda. Together with the FTAO,…
News from the Network...
NESI Forum 2019: from 2030 to today
RIPESS supported and participated in the Second NESI Forum, which took place from 24 to 26 April in Malaga, Spain. The event focused on the UN's SDGs and how to…
Radio programme : celebration of the 100th anniversary of ILO
2019 marks the centenary year of the creation of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The founding text places particular emphasis on social justice as a condition for "universal and lasting…
Euro-Mediterranean meeting of the "Workers' Economy" network
Authors : Benoît Borrits, Bruno Della Sudda, Christian Mahieux et Richard Neuville | 25 Apr 2019 | Événements, Vie de l'association Article of Association Auogestion The articulation between self-management, ecology…
Are Corporations and SSE Organizations Meeting the SDG Challenge?
Sustainability measurement and reporting has much improved in recent decades, but is it fit for purpose for 21st century challenges and for the SDGs? This international conference held on June…
Building the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies 2020
Interview with Jason Nardi, RIPESS Intercontinental Coordinator, about the World Social Forum on Transformative Economies (WSFTE) that starts this week in Barcelona. Written by Gabriel Boichat, RIPESS. The first meeting of…
Calls - Courses - Ressources - Media
Urban Alternatives: a new map to share transformative municipalist initiatives
Urban Alternatives is a collaboration that brings together municipalist activists, academics, local governments, think-tanks and NGOs. The founding collaborators include participants from: Madrid 129, European Alternatives, Transnational Institute, Habitat International…
A cartoon video on the European Investment Bank (EIB)
Counter Balance has produced a cartoon video on the European Investment Bank (EIB), aimed at raising awareness among EU citizens about the bank, its challenges and room for improvements. The…
10th ILO SSE Academy, Torino, June 2019
Social and Solidarity Economy . A Human-Centred Agenda for the Future of Work The ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalisation (2008) states that “productive, profitable and sustainable…
More farmers, better food: Nyéléni ECA releases CAP publication
Sustainable small farmers should be put at the core of EU agricultural policy, according to a new paper by the Nyeleni Europe and Central Asia Platform for Food Sovereignty [1].…

[ 8-9 Mai ] CTRL-Shift (Stoke on Trent, UK)

[ 14 Mai ] RTES: ESS & ODD - conference en ligne

[ 15-17 Mai ] RIUESS: ESS de la culture et culture de l’ESS (Marne de la Vallée, France)

[ 23-23 Mai ] Cooperation Jackson: Building Economic Democracy (Bridport, UK)

[ 30 Mai-2 Juin] Good Economy Forum (Zagreb, Croatia)

[ 3-7 Juin ] ILO SSE Academy (Turin, Italie)

[ 6-9 Juin ] 7th CIRIEC conference:  (Bucharest, Romania)

[ 23-28 June ] 12th International Summer School on Social Banking (Basel, Switzerland)

[ 4-6 Juillet ] RIPESS Europe - Assemblée Générale (Lyon, France)

[ 5-7 Juillet ] Dialogues en Humanité (Lyon, France)

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May 2019 Resources
What does the documentation on public policies in favour of the social and solidarity economy at European level say?
Among the issues that are included in the documentation under the keyword: The social economy in the European Union (EU), we can mention: sustainable development, social justice, immigration, European funds for SSE, integration enterprises and public procurement, social entreprises, cooperatives, new wealth indicators...
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RIPESS EUROPE - Solidarity Economy Europe asbl
1, Rue de Moulin - Esch / Alzette, L-4251 Luxembourg
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